
Web Analytics

Web Analytics

Web analytics services play a vital role as indispensable tools, offering valuable insights into website performance, user behavior, and the overarching online presence. Equipped with a diverse set of features, these services empower businesses and website owners to comprehensively comprehend, analyze, and enhance their digital strategies. Among them, Google analytics has reached its best to optimize and fulfill all of the user’s needs.
Classic Google Analytics
This was the initial version of Google Analytics, used for a long time before significant updates. cing elit, sed do eiusmod
Universal Analytics
Introduced in 2012, Universal Analytics brought improvements over Classic Analytics, including enhanced tracking code, cross-platform tracking, and user ID tracking.
Google Analytics 4 (GA4)
GA4 is the latest version of Google Analytics, introduced in October 2020. It offers more advanced features, machine learning capabilities, and a focus on user-centric measurement.

Google Analytics Versions

Google Analytics


Google Analytics Standard

The standard version of Google Analytics is a free service available to most users, providing essential website analytics and reporting.

Google Analytics 360

Google Analytics 360 (now part of Google Marketing Platform) is the premium, subscription-based version of Google Analytics. It offers additional features, scalability for large enterprises, and more advanced analytics capabilities.

Google Analytics for Firebase

Specifically designed for mobile app developers, Google Analytics for Firebase provides analytics for mobile applications, including user engagement, retention, and in-app behavior.

Google Analytics Premium

Before the introduction of Google Analytics 360, there was a standalone premium version of Google Analytics that offered advanced features and dedicated support for a higher price.

Google Analytics Real-Time

This feature, available in standard Google Analytics, allows users to monitor website activity in real-time, providing insights into current user behavior.

Google Analytics Content Experiments

Content Experiments (now part of Google Optimize) allowed users to perform A/B testing on their websites to optimize user experience and achieve better conversion rates.

Google Analytics Data Studio

While not a version of Google Analytics, Data Studio is a data visualization tool by Google that allows users to create customizable and interactive reports using their Google Analytics data.

Google Tag Manager

Not a version of Google Analytics, but an essential service that works closely with it. Google Tag Manager allows users to manage and deploy marketing tags (including Google Analytics) on their websites without the need for code changes.

Why Choose Us:

We follow is simple and transparent, so you know exactly where your project stands at every stage. Our customer-centric approach ensures that we channelize our energy into creating completely distinct websites and apps that have the desired effect, be it increasing leads or boosting sales.

1. Strategic Roadmap

Craft a detailed roadmap outlining your e-commerce objectives, target audience, and competitive landscape. Our planning ensures a clear path toward achieving your business goals.

2. User-Centric Design

Prioritize user experience with a focus on intuitive navigation, mobile responsiveness, and seamless checkout processes. We help you create an online shopping environment that keeps customers engaged and satisfied.

3. Market Research and Analysis

Gain a competitive edge through in-depth market research and analysis. Understand industry trends, customer behavior, and competitor strategies to make informed decisions and stay ahead of the curve.

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